
Showing posts from February, 2019

Body Image: More Than Being Fit For Others

DISCLAIMER: This article has a psychological focus and will thus include citations from various published journals of psychology and various websites that offer knowledge and statistics about the topic. How many times did you look at yourself in the mirror before leaving the house today? How many times did you fix your hair, or change your outfit to look just right? How many times have you bailed out of plans because of a terrible zit? “Body image” is how we perceive our bodies. It is our emotional attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of our own body. It can either be positive or negative. A positive body image means being able to be happy and comfortable with your body. A negative body image involves having real or imagined flaws in the body which leads to distress and can also affect everyday functioning. “Body image” as an issue isn’t new, to researchers or even laymen. Many have fallen prey to having a negative body image and ample amount of research has been done to dig deeper...